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Donnay Software(The home of eXPress++) With Clipperheads in Mind since 1987.
The Xbase++/eXPress++ English Fan Club EXPRESS++ screen Shots,how to use Multiedit and more tips.
Fan clube Xbase++/eXPress em português. Telas do XDEMO um programa feito em EXPRESS++,dicas de como utilizar o Multiedit e um forum de discussao em Portugues.
XXP User group NetherlandsNews Group.

XBASE FAN CLUBAre DBFs Still the best files?
Funcky LibVery usefull lib for Xbase++ programmers.
LivewarePub(The home of R&R Report Writer)A good Report Writer.
Activex to use with Xbase++ BY Jazzage. Browsers,Editors,Graphics and many more.
SQLEXPRESS Giving XBASE++ sql suport.
Extended Systems(advantage database server)
Multiedit #1 Editor of the hole XBASE++ comunitty.
Dealers of Xbase++/eXPress++ Where to buy Xbase++ and eXPress++